We are a group of visually impaired people determined to improve the environment and to reduce the every day problems of blind and partially sighted people. We are registered with the Charity Commission as an organisation with the specific aim of promoting the wellbeing of visually impaired people living in Enfield.
Please click here for more information on these events. If you wish to come along on the day, please do so; you will be made very welcome.
In addition to our drop-in mornings:
Please contact us for further information on any of these topics. If there is anything else you want to know or think we could do; please ask. For example, we can help you with:
We are registered as a fundraising charity with the Fundraising Regulator (FR). The FR regulates all fundraising by or on behalf of charitable, philanthropic and benevolent organisations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and holds the Code of Fundraising Practice for the UK. The Code of Fundraising Practice sets out the standards expected of us when raising money.
The Charities Act 2011 requires all registered charities to prepare a Trustees' Annual Report and Accounts. For information on Enfield Vision's annual submissions, click here.